Whether you prefer a living room furnished in a classical style or a living room furnished in a sports style, it is very important to make the right decoration of the living room for both options.
There are many styles in the choice of living room. We will touch on 8 tricks for living rooms that can be furnished in styles such as bold, modern, classic, functional, plain, etc.
1 – Creating a Plan for Living Room Decoration at the Beginning
There are a few steps you need to do before you start decorating your living room. The first of these stages is the stage of creating a plan for the living room decoration. At this stage, you or the professional who will decorate your house should create a small sketch of your house on paper. On this sketch drawn, the plans of the sofa, television, and if there is a showcase, the television chair or the chat corner should be placed.
2 – Scaling Furniture
You need to determine the dimensions of your furniture and accessories that you have placed on the sketch of your living room. After scaling the furniture on the sketch, the distances of the empty spaces that should be between the armchairs or the coffee table should be calculated. For example, there should be enough space between the sofa and the coffee table for at least one person to pass easily. To give another example, there should be some space between the showcase or dining table and your sitting chair or sofa.
3 – Positioning of Objects According to Whether the Hall Gets Light or Not
One of the important issues for living room decoration is the positioning of the furniture according to whether the living room receives light or not.
Placing a television in an area where the sun hits the opposite wall from the glass is a very challenging situation in terms of usage. For this reason, the television should be positioned in an area where there is no direct light on the television. To evaluate it from a different perspective, it would not be the right choice to close the view by placing a seat in front of a window with a very beautiful view. What needs to be done is to position the seats or sitting areas so that they can see the view.
4 – Blending Light and Dark Colors in Decoration
Creating your living room decoration only with light colors or only using dark colors will cause your living room to look suffocated. For this reason, if you want a light-colored and spacious living room design, you can use light colors, but you should also contrast with contrasting colors. Thanks to this contrast, you can create a more profound atmosphere in your home. The constant use of dark colors in the design can also be very disturbing visually. The light colors used between the dark design make your design look balanced and save your living room from the dark and boring feeling.
5 – Using Different Textures in Decoration
Although it is an overlooked design in general, different textures make people feel different emotions. For example, plush or velvet details that provide the feeling of softness in the texture of the pillows can make your home have a warmer decoration. You can use objects in different textures such as cotton, wool, leather, plush, stone, glass, metal for your decoration.
6 – Mixing Upholstery Materials in Decoration
The living room set you bought for your living room decoration probably consists of the same upholstery. However, the fact that the sold sets are made with the same flooring material does not require you to use them in this way in your decoration. You can get a different and stylish living room look by designing your sofa upholstery in different colors and different fabrics. For example, you can choose a fabric sofa for your leather sofa or leather upholstered chairs for your fabric sofa set.
7 – The Importance of Fabric in Living Room Decoration
The sofa fabric you choose for the living room can make your living room look stylish or simpler. For this reason, the importance of fabric in living room decoration is quite high. If you do not use your living room all the time, you can choose seats made of more special fabrics. Velvet or unpatterned solid-colored fabrics can be preferred in salons that are not used much, as they get dirty quickly and their structure changes in excessive use.
8 – Final Touches
Accessories and flowers play an important role in the finishing touches in living room decoration. Large-sized accessories will add a different atmosphere to your living room. It is very important to choose accessories in the style that suits your furniture. In addition, using mirrors in accessories can make your living room look much more spacious. If you are decorating a living room in a style suitable for daily use, then you can add many small and large potted flowers to your decoration. This style can make your living room look peaceful like a botanical garden.