Menopause and Nutrition

There are no magic foods or “superfoods” that can make menopausal symptoms go away overnight. However, there are certain foods that can help improve your overall health and wellness if included in your diet.

Eat at least three servings of iron-rich foods a day. Iron is found in lean red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and fortified grain items.

If you experience hot flashes during menopause, you should avoid certain “trigger” foods and drinks, such as spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol.

Foods rich in phytoestrogens

A diet rich in phytoestrogens can help reduce menopausal symptoms and a woman’s chance of developing osteoporosis. Phytoestrogens are compounds found in plants that act like estrogens in the human body. Phytoestrogen-rich foods include soybeans, licorice, flaxseed, and a variety of fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

olive oil

Olive oil is one of the best oils to consume for heart health, with little to no saturated or trans fat. It is the most studied oil and forms a valuable part of the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil can be used to make a homemade salad dressing and to sprinkle on food, and is also suitable for frying, sautéing and slow roasting. Always buy extra virgin olive oil. Other healthy cooking oils include coconut oil and avocado oil. These oils have a high smoke point, so they are fine for cooking at higher temperatures.

oily fish

Oily fish is a complete source of omega-3, as well as vitamin D, protein, vitamin B and selenium. Its regular consumption can reduce a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease, age-related vision loss and dementia. It is recommended to eat several servings of oily fish a week, such as mackerel, sardines and salmon.

Dark green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in fiber, folic acid (vitamin B9), carotenoids, vitamins C and K, iron and calcium. All of these nutrients provide numerous health benefits, including better digestive health and a lower risk of developing osteoporosis and dementia. Dark green leafy vegetables include arugula, spinach, collard greens, collard greens, beets, broccoli, watercress, and others.


Beans are some of the best foods for perimenopause, as they are packed with antioxidants, isoflavones, and calcium. It also supports a healthy weight, reduces heart risks, reduces fatigue, strengthens bones, and strengthens memory. Also, beans are high in fiber, which helps improve digestive health, but a high intake of beans can cause bloating. Soaking and cooking in a pressure cooker can help reduce negative digestive symptoms.

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