10 herbal formulas that are good for cough
You can benefit from not only medicines but also herbal teas against cough, which we often encounter especially in winter months.
Herbal teas that prevent cough
Cough is an important health problem that does not go away easily once it starts and sometimes even causes people to have a crisis. In order to get rid of coughing attacks that can wake you up at night or put you in a difficult situation during an important meeting, it is necessary to take advantage of herbs.
FRESH OR DRY quince leaves
Quince fruit and leaves have been used in the treatment of cough for years. The components in it are effective in throat infections and have a soothing effect on the throat. You can drink the flower and leaf parts of the plants by brewing them. If you are drinking for therapeutic purposes, do not add sugar. You can brew dry quince leaves for 10-15 minutes and fresh quince leaves for 3-5 minutes and drink 2-3 cups a day.
Echinacea plant is mainly recommended to be used in the prevention of diseases such as colds, colds and flu. Studies show that echinacea prevents damage caused by inflammation in the throat and lungs. You can drink up to 2 cups a day by brewing and adding 1 teaspoon of honey.
The tea obtained from this mixture is one of the most magnificent mixtures that can be created against cough. Tea consisting of quince, honey and linden softens the throat and provides healing. You can consume up to 2-3 cups per day.
The volatile components in cloves have an antiseptic and pain-reducing effect in mouth and throat infections, infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Considering the anti-inflammatory effect of some of the components in ginger, you can mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger and 1 teaspoon of cloves and drink it as a cure. If you wish, you can add lemon to this mixture and drink 1-2 teaspoons a day.
You can gargle by brewing the fruit of ground black pepper against cough, which has been shown to strengthen the immune system, anti-cancer, and curative effects of inflammation and spasms in many studies. You can also brew black peppercorns in warm water and drink it with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey. However, if you have digestive system disorders such as reflux, gastritis and ulcers, you should consume this tea in a limited way. Individuals without any health problems can consume up to 2-3 teaspoons per day.
Green Tea and Cardamom
While the high antioxidant property of green tea is now known by everyone, green tea combined with cardamom has a great effect on both the immune system and throat infections. You can use concentrated tea as a mouthwash, and you can consume green tea with cardamom for 2-3 cups a day. But if you have hypertension or tachycardia problems, do not exceed 2 cups a day.
Quince tea has a soothing and soothing effect on cough. You can drink 1 teaspoon of unbroken quince seeds after infusing them in 1 cup of water for 5-10 minutes. Since herbal teas are generally mildly effective, drinking it 30 minutes before or 1-2 hours after meals with an empty stomach increases the positive effect of tea.
You can reduce the irritating effect of cough by mixing 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger, 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and half a lemon and consuming 2-3 teaspoons a day between meals when the stomach is empty.
Add 1 teaspoon of ground licorice root, 1 teaspoon of licorice root and 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger to 1 glass of boiled water and infuse for 3-5 minutes. You can consume 2-3 cups of this tea during the day.
The first tea that comes to mind when cough is mentioned is linden. Flavonoids from the components in it; While it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, mucilages; There is a lot of data that it prevents irritation and softens the throat. For this reason, you can drink 2-3 cups of tea a day against cough. Do not add sugar to linden tea used for treatment. Sugar can react with the active ingredients in tea. Adding honey should be done at temperatures below 40 degrees.
- Some of the herbal teas can be drunk by brewing, and some should be drunk by boiling. These two methods are very different from each other. Parts of the plants such as wood, bark, roots should be prepared by boiling, and the average time should be 30 minutes.
- Parts of the plants such as leaves and flowers should be prepared by brewing, and the brewing time should be around 5-20 minutes.
- Not every plant has tea. Herbal components need to be resistant to hot water.
- If herbal teas are used for therapeutic purposes, sugar should not be added.
- In order for herbal teas to take effect, you should consume them while hungry, 30 minutes before or 1-2 hours after a meal. Take care.
- Use fresh water during tea preparation. Otherwise, the quality of the tea is adversely affected as the minerals in the water change.
- Use cups with lids for teas with volatile components. When plant parts are crushed to make tea, they can become open to contact with oxygen and undergo changes. Store in closed containers.