Neck Pain Causes and Treatment Methods

Public Introduction

Neck or Neck Pain

The neck is a region that carries the head with its 7 vertebrae and is open to injuries because it is a very mobile region. Along with the spinal cord passing through the canal in the spine and the nerves coming out to both sides, it also forms the neural connection between the brain, arms and the rest of the body. 

Characteristics of Neck Pain

Neck or nape pain in general, it is in the form of blunt pains rather than stinging type. Neck pain can often be accompanied by numbness, tingling, electric shock-like sensations. In some cases, the pain may worsen with neck movements. Neck or neck pain dizziness may accompany.


Causes of Neck or Neck Pain

Pain may develop in the neck due to disorders of bone, disc, muscle and ligament structures. Neck hernia, calcification and degenerative disc disease, cervical narrow canal and injuries are common causes of neck or neck pain. Rarely, tumors may present as a cause of pain in the neck region.

Long-lasting infections in the throat can also cause neck pain with swollen lymph nodes.

Some conditions such as heart and lung disorders may cause reflected pain in the neck, as well as  neck or neck pain head, face, back, chest and shoulder  may spread to regions.

Neck Injuries

Sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, falls, etc. In some cases, the bones and soft tissues in the neck may be injured. Crushes and strains are relatively minor injuries.

It usually gets better with medical treatment. Semi-dislocations, non-displaced fractures, nerve contusions are moderate injuries and can be treated with conservative methods and collars.

More rarely, it may require surgical treatment. Fractures, dislocations and spinal cord injuries are severe injuries and are generally treated with surgical methods.

Cervical Narrow Canal

Cervical narrow canal refers to the reduction of space available for nerves passing between the cervical vertebrae. Cervical canals may be relatively narrow due to some features of the person’s bone structure from birth. Herniation of the discs and enlargement due to calcifications also contribute to this stenosis.

Depending on the area where the canal narrows, findings called myelopathy or radiculopathy may occur. Cervical myelopathy is a condition that develops as a result of compression of the spinal cord in the neck region, affecting both arms and legs, accompanied by loss of skill in fine work and balance problems.

Cervical radiculopathy, on the other hand, is the loss of function in a specific area of ​​the arm as a result of irritation or compression of the spinal nerve root in the neck.

Neck Hernia

There are discs between the neck bones that take on the task of cushioning and shock absorption. The clinical picture that occurs when the gel-like fluid comes out and puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves as a result of the deterioration of the disc as a result of strains, accidents and aging is called neck hernia.Neck hernia treatmentdrugs according to the examination findings, whether there is pressure on the nerves and the findings in the imaging methods, exercise, injections or surgery.

Neck Calcification

It is a term that includes all the changes that start with the ruptures and abrasions of the discs in the neck and cause the formation of protrusions called spurs in the bones over time and structural disorders in the joints.

More or less in approximately 90% of people over 65 calcification is available. It is also referred to as cervical arthritis or spondylosis. It may show symptoms such as stiffness in the neck, immobility, pain spreading to the head and arms, and numbness. 

Treatment Methods

Avoiding Neck or Neck Pain:

  • Posture disorder is one of the most important causes of neck pain. Proper sitting, lying and walking with posture arrangements is one of the most important rules to avoid neck pain.
  • The height of the pillow also affects the muscles in the neck. Appropriate height pillows should be used.
  • It is important that the screen is at head level when using devices such as television, computer, tablet. This prevents excessive bending of the neck forward.
  • Regular exercise should be done. Strengthening the muscles reduces the severity and frequency of pain caused by muscle fatigue.
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